lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

In a court room

Today we will be checking the trial of Peter, a man who was surprised driving drunk last week. As I just said he was driving drunk, after being in a party, and while he was doing this he crashed into a light post, so he has committed a missdemeanor. The man is accused of damage to public property, driving under the influence of  alcohol and damage to private property, as the light pole fell on top of a house,  receiving a demand from the building owners. The case is being processed in a criminal court, and the witnesses are the same owners of the house affected, and a few people that where driving by. 
The arguments presented by the prosecution are that if he did this once, he can do it a second time, and that he has broken the law, so he must accomplish the corresponding penalty. The arguments presented by the defence are that it was the first time he did this, he also said he would pay for the damage done to the house and to the company responsible of the lamp post.
The final sentence was that he must pay the damages produced to both, the company and the home-owners affected, and he also needed to do community work (30 hours). The affected people wasn't happy with the sentence, so they would demand him again, for more money. 

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