domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Book page number 162 "Discussion point"

Discussion point page number 162
1.- What effect would video recording and distribution have on the film industry?
A.- Cinemas no longer have the same number of people that had existed until the DVD's. 
2.- How would radio and television negatively affect film and record sales? How could the development of radio and television be used to boost film and record sales?
A.- Radio and T.V are faster and cheaper, contrary to films and records. They may publish the films, for example. 
3.- How has digital technology and the increased use of the Internet affected film and sound recording? How has the Internet had an effect on distribution?
A.- The Internet has helped the recording media (such as DVD's, CD's, etc.) are disappearing slowly. Thanks to the Internet, it has increased the speed which the news are known, the videos are seen, etc. 
4.- What distinctions can we make between professional film and sound productions and personal or amateur use?
A.- Professional videos have more quality than the amateurs. The quality of sound and image are much better in the professional ones. That's why they are pro. 

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